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Planning Board Minutes 08/06/1998




AUGUST 6, 1998

PRESENT:  Chairman Tracy Scott, Stan Brehm, Joanna MacIntosh, Dave Bickert, Harold Arey, Skip Lawrence, Ted Bailey, Paul Adams, Ron Lesieur, Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott called the meeting to order at 7:02pm, introduced the Board and requested to Board to review the minutes of July 9, 1998, one minor spelling error was made.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the spelling error corrected.

                        Arey/Lawrence                   (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW AND                               ENIGMA Holdings, LLC/Dr. Kevin Mara
PUBLIC HEARING:                                 Central NH Animal Care
                                                        Map 3, Lot 23, Dover & King Roads

Dr. Mara did not appear for this hearing.  Will be continued to September 3, 1998.

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Mark McNichol/Crossroads II Corp.
                                                Site Review - Car Wash
                                                Map 4, Lot 167, Horse Corner and Dover Roads

ABUTTERS PRESENT:  Robert & Tracy Shaw and Mark Drew

A Board member was concerned with the message board sign that has been installed and feels that it should be part of the car wash site review.  There is discussion on the end of the agenda for the sign issue.

Motion was made to continue on with the agenda as scheduled.

                                Arey/Lesieur            (Passed)

Mr. McNichol presented the Board with final plans for the car wash and explained that the system is a closed looped tank system which holds 3000 gallons of water when full.  


When the tanks test dirty they are pumped out and the gray water goes to a waste water treatment facility.  The McNichol’s well is artesian and runs over all the time.

Mr. McNichol informed the Board that the State of New Hampshire has high standards for these car washes and they keep track of how they operate.  Mr. McNichol has already received a driveway permit from the state.

Mr. Mark Drew, Abutter, would like it known that he is requesting that the McNichols go to the Town Engineer to have their property reviewed.  Mr. Drew was concerned that the Board was not being fair.

Robert & Tracy Shaw, abutters, were still concerned about the ground water table when the car wash goes in.  The state has recommended that the Shaws should have their well monitored, with the McNichol’s well 500 to 600 feet down and the Shaw’s well up the road and 12 feet down the Board didn’t feel there would be a problem but told the Shaws if they were concerned that they most certainly could monitor their well.

Motion was made to accept the site review.

                        Lawrence/Arey                   (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Mike Anderson
                                        Site Review - Retail Building
                                        Map 4, Lot 160, Dover Road

Mr. Anderson presented the plans that he will have fixed to the engineers specifications.
The Board went over the suggestions that the town engineer recommended.

#1 Finish floor elevations of buildings on plan.     Will Add
#2 Additional spot elevations.                               On page 2 of 4
#3 Dumpsters & proposed screening.                     On plan
#4 Proposed sidewalks.                                       On Building plan
#5 Size of parking stalls, width of parking lots
     and access roads.                                              Will place in notes
#6 If phased, each phase should be delineated
    on the plan.                                                       On page 2 of 4 in shaded area
#7 Detention pond (Chairman Scott will speak with the engineer).
#8 Depth of pavement and base gravel.                  Will place in notes
#9 Driveway permit from NH DOT                  The Board has
#10 Full build out will exceed 100,000sq ft.            This will be a phased project

No Abutters were present.

The Board has tabled this site review until September 3, 1998 meeting.


DESIGN REVIEW AND                       Jim Mobbs
PUBLIC HEARING:                         Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 2, Lots 52 & 53, Horse Corner Road

ABUTTERS PRESENT:  Walter Belanger and Susan Preve Belanger.

This Hearing will be continued until September 3, 1998 meeting.

DISCUSSION:                             Peter Dobbins
                                                Map 7, Lot 16, Ferrin Road

Mr. Dobbins and his surveyor George Keller presented proposed plans for the subdivision.  Mr. Dobbins would like to divide the large lot into two smaller lots, one 5 acres and one 11 acres.  Mr. Keller was concerned about steep lands which this property does have some, but was informed by the Board that he would have enough acreage and frontage because steep lands is the same as rural agricultural 300 ft frontage and 5 acres.

Mr. Keller was also concerned that the road seems to have not been maintained in quite some time.  The Board was informed by the selectmen this Ferrin Road is a class V road.

Design Review will be set for September 3, 1998

DISCUSSION:                             Mark Drew
                                                Map 1, Lot 26, Shortfalls Rd. & Lovers Lane

Mr. Drew informed the Board that he owns 34 acres of land on Shortfalls Road and Lovers Lane and would like to subdivide, he has 750 foot frontage on Shortfalls Road and he would use Lovers Lane for the rest of the frontage,  it was asked if Lovers Lane was a class VI road, Mr. Drew states that it has never been closed.  Selectman Jordan stated that Lovers Lane is a class VI road.  Mr. Drew would like to know what will be required of him for this subdivision?  The Board informed Mr. Drew that he would need to go through the subdivision checklist and regulations

Design Review Set for September 3, 1998

DISCUSSION:                             Mark Drew
                                                Site Review - Self Storage Buildings
                                                or Housing Development
                                                Map 4, Lot 165, Horse Corner Road

Mr. Drew owns 3 acres on Horse Corner Road and would like to know what the Board needed from him for this site review.  The Board informed Mr. Drew to follow the site review checklist and regulations and everything should run fine.


Mr. Drew would also like to know when the 90 day window for all of his projects start.
Chairman Scott read from RSA 676:4 Sub paragraph C1 and said that this had never been an issue before therefore he would have to speak with the town attorney to find out when the 90 days begin, at Design Review or Public Hearing.

Design Review was set for September 3, 1998 for Mr. Drew’s Site Review.

DISCUSSION:                     McNichols/Crossroads II, Inc.
                                        Message Board Sign
                                        Map 4, Lot 167, Horse Corner and Dover Roads

Mark McNichols states they went to the Board of Adjustment and the BOA stated they should not even be there.

To recap what has happened with the Message Board.

The Selectmen had a complaint the the message board was an obnoxious use, the Selectmen did not agree and sent the McNichols a letter stating the board was fine.  Then another complaint came in that the message board was in violation of the site review regulations and a cease and desist order was issued.  The McNichols appealed to the Board of Adjustment and when the BOA was in executive session the McNichols withdrew their appeal and came back to the Planning Board where the Board of Adjustment would have sent them anyway.

The minutes to the Board of Adjustment meeting of July 29, 1998 were review by the Board.  A Board member feels this is an enforcement issue not a planning board issue.

The Board will deal with the sign issue as a site review.  Design Review is set for September 3, 1998.

The Board was polled on whether to work on the site review regulations and fit this new type of sign into the regulations or to deal directly with the problem at hand.  The polling  was unanimous to deal directly with the problem now.

Public Hearing set for Site Review Regulations and Checklist September 3, 1998.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                        Arey/Bickert                    (Passed)

Meeting was adjourned at 9:22pm

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Tracy Scott, Chairman